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| Results 251 ... 500 found in trilema for 'silk road' |

assbot: Silk Road 2.0 Seized, Blake Benthall Arrested |
assbot: Silk Road 2.0 Seized, Blake Benthall Arrested |
assbot: FBI — Operator of Silk Road 2.0 Website Charged in Manhattan Federal Court
assbot: Operator of Silk Road 2.0, Blake Benthall, arrested yesterday by FBI agents in San Francisco, CA
z33andO_o: I do not see this mentioned here, honeypot Silk Road 2 finally taken down by the FBI. No effect on dark net markets since it's market share was dvindling but it does mean the US government has managed to steal more BTC
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> primitives succeeded in making steels of a kind, from naturally carboniferous wootz traded along, e.g., silk road << Wootz yes, low hanging fruit. When I read Damascus though I think laminate forging process
asciilifeform: primitives succeeded in making steels of a kind, from naturally carboniferous wootz traded along, e.g., silk road
assbot: Australian Silk Road Merchant Sentenced To 11 Years Jail, Loses 24,500 Bitcoin To Boot |
cazalla: mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes: cazalla: <<<< cazalla this totally needs all the research you can throw at it. what the fuck is the story there, they got raped on the "undercover" work ? how ? why ? major point loss for the omni-impotent usg. <<< please to be sending tech/law leads to BingoBoingo
assbot: The mystery of the disappearing Silk Road murder charges
assbot: The mystery of the disappearing Silk Road murder charges
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes: cazalla: <<<< cazalla this totally needs all the research you can throw at it. what the fuck is the story there, they got raped on the "undercover" work ? how ? why ? major point loss for the omni-impotent usg.
assbot: The mystery of the disappearing Silk Road murder charges
danielpbarron: in one of their recent radio broadcasts, they practically told listeners to buy bitcoin from one of their advertisers in order to pay for drugs on the silkroad
Vexual: i doubt bikies use silk road
cazalla: my guess is given bikie and meth links, it was how they cashed out their coins from silk road sales
mircea_popescu: lol wait. he got owned by the usms while using usg operated silk road ?!
assbot: Interview: Sam Lee - Silk Road auction hacking victim. - YouTube
mircea_popescu: cazalla: anyone ever heard of people buying fkn rattlesnakes from silk road type sites before? << yes, actually, i knew a derp raising pot and poisonous reptiles in romania. fortunately he had no idea what the web is, but otherwise, exactly what lanky ragaddy hair hippy you'd expect for the role.
cazalla: anyone ever heard of people buying fkn rattlesnakes from silk road type sites before?
assbot: Judge Rejects Defense That FBI Illegally Hacked Silk RoadOn a Technicality | WIRED
mike_c: "Silk Road’s reliance on PHP databases was readily observable from the website itself during the time of its operation"
mircea_popescu: but really, this silkroad thing is becoming a major liability for the usg, after having actually crossed the line from gain to liability sometime in spring.
assbot: Silk Road: Government files response to Horowitz Declaration
assbot: Silk Road (marketplace) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
mircea_popescu: it's why silkroad collapsed, after all. you can't ship.
punkman: brianhoffman: the gist is: just use GPG identities and let silk road be silk road
Vexual: whattabout sophia lauren in silk road?
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closed 3 months 1 week ago
HeySteve: true but people waving "boycott Silk Road now!" banners is an amusing thought
Dimsler: funded a tonne of silkroaders
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: SPz somehow the FBI manages to store me for a decade because I have no silk road info and at the same time keep my priv keys safe? The chance at being a possum instead of a rat?
ziggla: ha i see that betmoose site cancelled the silk road bet. hmmmmm
ziggla: 500 btc is different than like 7 btc. the silk road bet isn't for much. don't think tim draper or the usms is scamming newbs on bitbet here
ziggla: i'm confused about this silk road bet
assbot: Doubts cast over FBI 'leaky CAPTCHA' Silk Road rapture The Register
assbot: The FBI Finally Says How It ‘Legally’ Pinpointed Silk Road’s Server | Threat Level | WIRED
assbot: Lawyer: Charleston man denies connection to DEA Bitcoin seizure and illicit Silk Road drug marketplace - Post and Courier
BingoBoingo: bats_cd03> an early silk road entrepreneur living it up on southern california after exchanging btc for fiat; authorities spy, notice new camaro but no regular employment since 2010... questioned, gasenwagen, perhaps USG confiscates some coins along the way. everything is gravy, republic lives another day. << And I bless Jebus I am but a midwestern pauper
bats_cd03: an early silk road entrepreneur living it up on southern california after exchanging btc for fiat; authorities spy, notice new camaro but no regular employment since 2010... questioned, gasenwagen, perhaps USG confiscates some coins along the way. everything is gravy, republic lives another day.
mircea_popescu: after the silk road thing, govt clerks everywhere are stuck following up. everything.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: The seemed so fucking incredulous that I with my unkempt hair and beard, could have somehow not used the silk road << it's not racial profiling if you're white :D
BingoBoingo: The shitty thing about the ordeal on them asking about the goddamned Silk Road I didn't use was their knocking woke me up from my day-slumber
TheNewDeal: it's true, all unkempt hair & bearders at one time used the silk road
BingoBoingo: The seemed so fucking incredulous that I with my unkempt hair and beard, could have somehow not used the silk road
BingoBoingo is thankful he managed to avoid the whole Silk Road thing.
BingoBoingo: Yes, asking about the Silk Road
BingoBoingo: Nah, Just let them in on all of my nothing I knew about a connection they suspected between DBordello's BTCPack and The Silk Road
TheNewDeal: they draw a map of transactions in it, and you can see a bunch of silk road addresses off on the side
chetty: but they even sold the silk road bitcoins// nice precedent
StephanLivera: usagi, but they even sold the silk road bitcoins. If they find illicit drugs, they don't sell those - they destroy them. So that in itself shows some treatment of legitimacy
assbot: Feds’ Silk Road Investigation Broke Privacy Laws, Defendant Tells Court | Threat Level | WIRED
mircea_popescu: " In June, U.S. Marshals auctioned off Bitcoins seized from Silk Road, the online market for illegal goods and services. Draper bought the lot for $20 million, beating out 44 other bidders."
danielpbarron: << DEA report on -otc user named Dynamite`, busted for selling on silk road
HeySteve: hmm biltong for bitcoin, could be the next silk road
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closed 4 weeks 55 minutes ago
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closed 3 weeks 4 days ago
punkman1: need tits to take mind off silk road auction bitbet
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closed 3 weeks 8 hours ago
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closed 3 weeks 8 hours ago
mrX_: I wonder if BitBet has anything to say about how they are refusing to resolve this bet
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closed 2 weeks 6 days ago
mircea_popescu: if there were no pirate and no silkroad whatshisname, the usg wouldn't be tempted today by the very dangerous heresy that "maybe it can make it on its own"
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closed 2 weeks 6 minutes ago
assbot: US Marshals: One Auction Bidder Claimed All 30,000 Silk Road Bitcoins
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closed 4 days 21 hours ago
Duffer1: no bitbet yet on the average price of they silk road buy?
assbot: US Marshals Release Update on Silk Road Bitcoin Auction
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closed 3 days 13 hours ago
ThickAsThieves: question, what if we don't find out what the coins were purchased for at auction today, and we have to wait for a FOIA request or such? (re:
pankkake: ;;later tell oleganza next time bet instead of twit
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closed 3 days 10 hours ago
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closed 1 day 1 hour ago
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closing in 5 hours 39 seconds | weight: 2`345 (100`000 to 1)
TheNewDeal: I'm getting really excited for this silk road auction. Can't wait to see how it goes down
[]bot: Bet placed: 3 BTC for No on "Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza" Odds: 26(Y):74(N) by coin, 36(Y):64(N) by weight. Total bet: 7.19821016 BTC. Current weight: 38,070.
mircea_popescu: think of it, this is a space where fucktarded "community members" aptly represented by the "bitcoin foundation" and well catered for by the power rangers a) gave half a million btc to trendon shavers and then b) gave half a million btc to silk road
mircea_popescu: los_pantalones: does anyone know if the us govt has control the private keys on the silk road wallets ? << they claim they do.
assbot: List of Possible Silk Road Bitcoin Bidders Allegedly Leaked by US Marshals
los_pantalones: does anyone know if the us govt has control the private keys on the silk road wallets ?
assbot: BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 1.39 B (58%) on Yes, 0.99 B (42%) on No | closing in 1 week 1 day| weight: 92`453 (100`000 to 1)
davout: how does this guy get resolved if the auction is kept private? -->
[]bot: Bet created: "Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza"
assbot: Place prediction on: Bitcoins seized from Silk Road will be sold for > $600 each
TomServo: It should be noted that the FBI has a lot of bitcoins to sell. In addition to drug-tainted Silk Road coins, the FBI has a much bigger stash: an estimate from Casey Research puts the figure between 5% and 10% of all bitcoins in circulation.
assbot: VC Firm Makes Bid for FBIs Seized Silk Road Bitcoins
assbot: Study claims Silk Road reduced drug-related violence (Wired UK)
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell bitcoinpete: << this is precisely why they wanted that "murder solicitation" thing in there so bad. and... they got it. because, bitcoin jesuses.
assbot: Silk Road Reduced Violence in the Drug Trade, Study Argues | Threat Level | WIRED
Naphex: - the more interesting news today
assbot: Silk Road as a Self-Regulating Black Market | The mlaut
princessnell: also, re silk road, i love it when i beat <3science<3 by a few months:
assbot: Study claims Silk Road reduced drug-related violence (Wired UK)
PLambert: did you see the article about the guy who accidently got shipped a drone by US gov? he should have sold it on silkroad :)
jurov: ^ about silkroad 2.0 and clones
ozbot: Silk Road 2.0 Now Larger Than Silk Road Ever Was | Techdirt
ozbot: Activist Post: Silk Road Prosecutor Says IRS is Wrong, Bitcoin is Money
kakobrekla: silkroad
mircea_popescu: and then... silkroad went away... nobody noticed.
mircea_popescu: oh, bitcoin is based on silkroad.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, the same sort of bullshit was being peddled about silkroad
ozbot: Inside the ‘DarkMarket’ Prototype, a Silk Road the FBI Can Never Seize | Threat Level | WIRED
mircea_popescu: conversely, misplaced shards of personhood ruin anonimity. such as w/e, silk road guy.
Namworld: And own, which is HR related, which must be their first business, hence the name:
ozbot: SilkRoad Equity - PORTFOLIO
Namworld: It's not being aquired by Silk Road... it says Silk Road Equity.
Namworld: "This PR team apparently sees nothing wrong with this Sponsor’s association with Silk Road Equity LLC (I am not shitting you)."
samson_: I can't get over the fact that 'Chicago-based SilkRoad Equity' are involved in this...
ozbot: Alleged Silk Road Creator's Lawyer Denies Bitcoin Is 'Monetary Instrument,' Moves To Drop All Charge
mircea_popescu: "Charlie Shrem, known for his alleged involvement in the Silk Road scandal, is in talks with US prosecutors for a plea bargain."
asciilifeform: think 'silk road' and 'why didn't they just go to the dark alley to buy the coke'
tg2: better yet get started on an i2p version of silk road that runs off of darkcoins
ozbot: Alleged Silk Road Founder's Mother Speaks Out - YouTube
gribble: What the drug trade is, how the drug trade works and why ... - Trilema: <>; Forbes, now with a little extra ESL and a whole lot of extra ... - Trilema: <>; Law enforcement never fails to (1 more message)
asciilifeform: (re: silk road kid)
ozbot: Alleged Silk Road Founder's Mother Speaks Out - YouTube
ninjashogun: ThickAsThieves what about silk road and questionably legal things? Didn't people buy btc specificially for those uses?
asciilifeform: 'Industry is the only true source of wealth, and there was no industry in Rome. By day the Ostia road was crowded with carts and muleteers, carrying to the great city the silks and spices of the East, the marble of Asia Minor, the timber of the Atlas, the grain of Africa and Egypt; and the carts brought nothing out but loads of dung. That was their return cargo. London turns dirt into gold. Rome turned gold int
dexX7_: ... there was one surprising part: "I have already written to regulators once on the now-closed Silkroad ... That is why more than a handful of countries, and their banking systems, have cautioned against the use of Bitcoin." - if this is true, he seems to have some influence?
ThickAsThieves: he's the guy holding the silkroad coins
nubbins`: mircea_popescu: silk road 3.11 for workgroups
mircea_popescu: nubbins` so you live with silk road funder ?
BingoBoingo: It is still new ages, but this week a lot of people who though they were "in" Bitcoin realized they never stopped being n00bs in spite of having been around for the great silk road bubble of 2011
ThickAsThieves: well it hit $20 from silk road in 2013 too
the20year: there was some java/ad exploit that took alot of coins from people running XP, and I was one of them, right around the time bitcoin hit like $20 for the first time due to all the silk road press, maybe that was 2011?
mircea_popescu: people thought silk road is fundamental to bitcoin value. it closed, no ill effects recorded.
ozbot: It is clear that Silk Road 2 funds were stolen by the operators : Bitcoin
ThickAsThieves: ;;market sell --silkroad 2 1 kilo
ThickAsThieves: ;;market sell --silkroad 1 kilo
ThickAsThieves: maybe Silk Road 3 will be the charm!
ozbot: Silk Road 2 Hacked, Over 4,000 Bitcoin Allegedly Stolen | TechCrunch
mike_c: mircea_popescu: the "vendor expoliting tx malleability until our wallet was empty" was the silk road excuse, not the mtgox excuse i believe
bloctoc: I wonder how long it will take for the phrase "Silk Road" to replace the word "Al Quaida" as American Press' most feared thingy.
ozbot: Silk Road 2 Hacked, All Bitcoins Stolen : ~4474.26BTC | Deep Dot Web
BingoBoingo: BTC first hit $31 on the Adrian CHen Silk Road Story.
ozbot: Utopia, Silk Road's Latest Replacement, Only Lasted Nine Days - Slashdot
ThickAsThieves: sad considering this is the post-silk road wave
nubbins`: "By the time Silk Road shut down, The Avengers had reviewed 60 vendors, rating them on factors like packaging quality, shipping time, and price."
nubbins`: the other point about silk road is that there were this group of guys called "the avengers" who would buy LSD from new vendors and get it tested in a lab for strength
herbijudlestoids: and the resurgence in LSD has *nothing* to do with the silk road.
ozbot: Alleged Silk Road Creator Ross Ulbricht Pleads Not Guilty On All Charges - Forbes
mircea_popescu: herbijudlestoids everything to do with silk road, dude. it's these kids who don't have to work, can't learn as there's no schools, having nothing to do with their time
herbijudlestoids: "bath salts" aka mephedrone or 4-MAR or MDPV or similar substances under the same common name has little do with silk road and hugely to do with the proliferation of chinese generic manufacturers keeping their factories open for an extra hour each night
mircea_popescu: mind that this entire discussion started from "why would idiot 12yos snort bath salts" and is not unrelated to the "massive popularity" of silk road
koin3d: oversold readings on gox worse now then silkroad
asciilifeform: esp. now that 'silk road' is done
ThickAsThieves: I read the $5m were seized from Gox related to silk road
Apocalyptic: <herbijudlestoids> i still really cant believe the security behind silk road was so fucken poor // then you won't believe this
herbijudlestoids: i still really cant believe the security behind silk road was so fucken poor
herbijudlestoids: mircea_popescu: i did, after reading about how silk road went down they wer eall so fucking stupid
mircea_popescu: I am the owner of RoadSilk and I would like to ask if its possible to change the status of our website on the marketplace list.
Duffer1: wonder whatever happened to that kid that came in here trying to start his own silk road at his college
mircea_popescu: lol apparently nefario v2.0 was running a silkroad clone
ozbot: The Bet: BMR and Sheep to die in a year : SilkRoad
ozbot: The Bet: BMR and Sheep to die in a year : SilkRoad
nubbins`: shremmy looks like a silk road customer too
mjr_: if they used facebook to buy bitcoins to use on silk road
jurov: even if you overheard people talking about doing btc business on silk road?
mjr_: why would you sell bitcoins to a guy who is selling bitcoins ON SILK ROAD, when you know he's on silk road, and you are doing way larger amounts than you say you can on your website
lippoper: dogeroad == silkroad but with dogecoin
ozbot: The Feds Are Ready To Sell $25 Million of Bitcoin Seized From The Silk Road - Forbes
KRS1: The Feds Are Ready To Sell $25 Million of Bitcoin Seized From The Silk Road
mircea_popescu: for instance, the silkroad kid they caught by discovering that he came here going "hey guise, how would someone make like a bitcoin tor craigslist"
ohider: imagine if silk road was exclusive to a small community
Duffer1: silk road was just bitcoin and tor
ohider: silk road
asciilifeform: cellphone miner? i can only conclude that 'silk road' is back, and btc people are partaking of strong drug.
the20year: did think about selling some jerky on silkroad
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: To be fair before you showed it was pretty much just the dev circle jerk and the Silk Road honey pot
unbalanced: Take that, Silk Road! Legit international trade in addictive substances.
nubbins`: silk road 3.0
kleeck: RS? RoadSilk?
ozbot: Satoshi Nakamoto And Silk Road Link - Business Insider
mgio: yeah right... like silk road
ozbot: What Was On Alleged Silk Road Boss' Laptop At The Moment of His Arrest
BingoBoingo: So Black Market Reloaded just went reverse Silk Road. Users and dealers identified
mircea_popescu: this is the entire silkroad nonsense all over again. nobody cares you have 1mn little dribblets of sugar all over your kitchen floor.
asciilifeform: (where people load up cards and sell the complete stripe data on a 'silk road' of sorts)
ThickAsThieves: USG better spend the silk road coins before they get tagged as drug money
mircea_popescu: wait, so actually the silkroad charged less than ebay ?!
kleeck: When my friends are trolling me they call Bitcoin "CrimeCoin" and it's usually after something like the Trendon Shavers arrest, or Silkroad bust.
Namworld: Here's an interesting spam transaction on Silkroad's seized coins address:
ozbot: FBI Says It's Seized $28.5 Million In Bitcoins From Ross Ulbricht, Alleged Owner Of Silk Road - Forb
BingoBoingo: I'll just throw out it feels more like January 2013 than silk Road July (and to most people that should mean nothing, don't you cultivate your own personalized WOT's).
mircea_popescu: was silkroad built atop a hill ?
jurov: another lulzy piece how proactive is btc community toward scammers, silkroad edition
ozbot: Time to let the cat out of the hat. : SilkroadUNcensored
ozbot: Top Silk Road Drug Dealer Was Flipped By Feds | The Smoking Gun
mircea_popescu: i guess uruguay is going to be the new silk road
